Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Colors within the flames



Tuesday, November 10, 2015


 These two photos were for my depth of field project.  
The first photo was my first attempt of making a photo black & white and I really like the way it turned out. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Drive Carefully

I went upstate to visit my cousin & on my way home I was testing out shutter speeds and I got this photo.

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Different Perspective

These are a few of the photos from my digital photography project. These photos are some of my favorite that I've ever taken. I feel they are very different and capture your attention in a different way. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pilgrim State

I went to Pilgrim State with my best friend not too long ago. We saw a bunch of broken old windows so she stood on one and it shattered right away and I had to take a picture of it. The last photo, she was just messing around with the frame and laughing and I wanted to capture that moment and I absolutely adore the photo.    

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pet Store

I went to a pet store with a few friends and I loved the way the light accented the objects.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Avalon Park

This nature park is one of my favorite spots to visit.  It always has a positive vibe no matter what time of day or season and there's always something to take photos of.  (In a few of these photos I used rule of thirds to emphasize the subject in my picture).

Monday, September 28, 2015

Road Trip

                     Little lounge outside her dorm room (Photo 1)

Flowers on her campus (photo 2)

Map inside the motel office (photo 3)

                                 Decor in the motel office (photo 4)

Couch in the motel office (photo 5)

Our motel room door (photo 6)   

Delhi Diner (photo 7)       
Stairs in the town (photo 8)

Lake we passed on the way home (photo 9)
Abandoned house (photo 10)

This weekend I went with a few close friends to visit our friend (Caitlin) upstate where she goes to college.  It took us around five hours to get there but it was definitely worth it.    

(For photos 1 & 3, I incorporated the first project we did in digital photography 1; light & shadows.  For photos 3-6 I decided not to follow rule of thirds.  Personally, I think the photos look better this way).